900 touch controller
The touch conrtoller is the heart of the system, providing the power for the touch bus devices, Together with the link to the
local area network. the unit features LCD with menu control touch bus output terminals, auxillary terminals, Battery float charger,.
relay output, RS232 Output, Battery Float Charger, Status LEDs.
Download Data Sheet: 900
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Tags: ARUBA-HP, backup, Ballary, BANKING, BAPX, battery, board, BODET, BONEDAM, bosch, BOSCH CCTV, BOSCH SOUND, C TECH, Cable, capacity, cctv, charger, CISCO, connections, cooper fire, cooper fire alarm, current, DATA, DATA SHOW SYSTEMS PROFESSIONAL SCREEN, Dell, DHCP, DSYSTEM, EATON UPS, edwards fire alarm, engineer, entry, Essential, esser, ESTAP, Ethernet, EVOLIS, FAAC, FBT, fearures, FIGHTING, fire alarm, FIRSTLANE, GARRETT, GAS (CO2&FM200), GENT, guides, HEIDI CARD PRINTER, HITI CARD PRINTER, HONEYWELL, HONEYWELL CCTV, honeywell farenhyt, HONEYWELL fighting, I-Board, installation, Integral, INTERCALL, isolated, isolator, L634, L672, L722, L733, L744, L746, Labol, LCD, LEGRAND, level, LICECRICIOCAN, LIdIX, LPG, MAC, manually, MASTER CLOCK, mircom, MITEL, MONEY COUNTER, NAFCO, neart, NEC, NURSE, NURSE CALL SYSTEM, Observe, OIL, Parallel, polarity, Polnis, protection, provide, provided, Q MATIC, QMS, ravel, rbh, relay, RS232, samsung, samsung cctv, SCHNIDER UPS, SECURITY SYSTEM & LOW CURRENT, Serial, Server, sets, SMART BOARD, SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, SOUND SYSTEM, space, Spaco, status, supplied, supply, SUPREMA, system, terminals, textDraw, TIME ATTENDANCE, together, Touch, TURNSTILE &BARRIER, UPS, via, vicon, VIDEO CONFERENCE, VIEW SONIC, VIOTEC CCTV, voltage, WATER, WESTER STRAND, ZK TIME ATTENDANCE