The EST iO500 intelligent life safety system offers the power of
high-end intelligent processing in a configuration that delivers an
uncomplicated solution for small to mid-sized applications. With
intelligent detection, electronic addressing, automatic device mapping, optional Ethernet® connectivity, and a full line of easily-configured option cards and modules, this flexible system offers offers
versatility that benefits building owners and contractors alike.
The iO500 provides one Class A or Class B analog device loop
that supports up to 250 device addresses. A second 250-point
loop may be added to the iO500 to expand total system capacity
to up to 500 device addresses. The panel includes four NACs that
may be wired for either Class A or Class B operation.
The iO500 supports a wide range of accessories and related
equipment, including:
• Signature Series intelligent modules, detectors, and bases
• R-Series remote annunciators
• option cards that expand system capacity and extend system
• Listed for releasing applications using SIGA-REL
• Fully integrated CO detection using Signature Series 2 detec-tors with or w/o audible signaling
The iO500 life safety system is a powerful intelligent solution for
small to mid-sized buildings. Advanced analog technology delivers
the benefits of flexible system installation, while a clean and easy-to-operatate user interface makes panel operation and system
maintenance quick and intuitive.
The smart choice
Signature Series electronic addressing eliminates the tedium of
setting dipswitches, and automatic device mapping ensures that
each device resides on the system at its correct location. Mean-while, innovative programming allows the designer to customize
the system to precisely suit the needs of the building owner.
Flexibility built right in
The iO500 is particularly well-suited to retrofit applications. All
connections are made over standard wiring – no shielded cable
required. This means that in most situations existing wiring can
be used to upgrade a legacy control panel to iO500 technology
without the expense or disruption of rewiring the entire building.
Perfect for retrofits
Two fully-programmable front panel switch/LED combinations pro-vide an added measure of flexibility. Their slide-in labels take the
mystery out of custom applications, and present a clean finished
Signals with a difference
iO500 NACs are configurable to fully support the advanced signaling technology of Edwards Genesis and Enhanced Integrity notification appliances. These devices offer precision synchronization of
strobes to UL 1971 standards. For Genesis devices, enabling this
feature allows connected horns to be silenced while strobes on
the same two-wire circuit continue to flash until the panel is reset.
Clear-cut remote annunciation
Remote annunciation is a strong suit of the iO500. Up to eight annunciators can be installed on a single system. Compatible annunciators include a range of LED and LCD models that provide zone
or point annunciation, as well as common control capabilities.
The iO500 also supports graphic annunciation with optional
graphic annunciator interface modules. Each interface provides
common control, indicators, and LED drivers. Consult the Order-ing Information section for details
A complete line of accessories
The iO500 life safety system is supported by a complete line of
intelligent detectors, modules and related equipment. Consult the
Ordering Information section for details.
The front panel provides
an easy-to-use operator’s
interface, as well as all
the necessary controls for
front panel programming.
A large back-lit 80-char-acter LCD displays
system status, event
details, and programming
prompts. Large tactile
control buttons are easy
to see in low light condi-tions, and bright multi-color LEDs offer at-a-glance status indica-tion.

Control buttons

System LEDs

iO500 life safety systems are simple to set up, yet also offer advanced programming features that put these small building panels
into a class of their own. The auto programming feature quickly
gets the panel operational using factory default settings. Basic
zone and point settings can be programmed easily through the
front panel interface, so the system is up and running in no time.
For more advanced system configuration and correlation groups
programming, iO500 systems interface to a PC running compatible iO-CU software. This option offers full system configuration
in the familiar Windows® operating environment. Connection is
typically made to a laptop through the panel’s optional RS-232
communications port, which can also be used to connect a system printer.
Among the many innovative features of iO500 control panels is the
optional network card. This module provides a standard 10/100
Base T Ethernet® network connection that permits access to the
control panel from any remote location with the correct communications protocols. The connection can be used to download
to the panel from the iO-CU, or upload and view system reports
using the iO-CU.
Available system reports include:
• Correlation groups • Device details
• Device maintenance • History
• Internal status • System configuration
• System status • Walk test
• Dialer • CO runtime
Panel Operation Options


Notification appliance circuits (TB2)
iO500 control panels come equipped with four notification ap-pliance circuits. Each circuit can be individually configured for
continuous, temporal, synchronized, latching, and coded output.

Auxiliary & Smoke power outputs (TB3)
The control panel provides two auxiliary power outputs which can
be used for powering ancillary equipment such as remote annunciators and two wire smoke detectors. Aux 2 can be software
selected to operate continuous. The circuit is supervised for shorts
and grounds.
Note: For a complete list of devices that can be connected to this
circuit, refer to the iO Series compatibility list (p/n 3101064).

Signature Device loop
The system provides one device loop circuit with a total capacity
of 125 detectors and 125 module addresses. The loop circuit is
supervised for opens, shorts, and grounds.
The Signature Loop Controller uses broadcast polling and advanced communications formats to regularly check the entire
device circuit for anomalies. If a change of state is detected at the
circuit level, the Loop Controller then uses a direct address search
to find the reporting device. This two-staged technique ensures
that only new information is transmitted, thus allowing for a reduced baud rate while still achieving nearly instant device reporting.

Annunciator loop (TB4)
The control panel provides a connection for up to eight serially
driven and supervised remote annunciators.
Circuit specifications

Alarm, trouble, and supervisory relay (TB3)
The trouble relay is normally-open, held closed, and opens on any
trouble event or when the panel is de-energized. The supervisory
relay is normally-open, and closes on any supervisory event. The
alarm relay changes over on any alarm event.
Relay specifications